No doubt you've noticed the long silence here. It has been a productive one and I'm up and running (pondering) again but at a new and improved site.
Drop in for the housewarming at:
and have a look around.
The ABOUT page will get you oriented to the site's new features, including TODAY, a spot to slow down and chew on a few verses that I've been thinking about and let the Word speak for itself.
The Subscribe page will tell you how to do just that. It's easy and will guarantee you don't miss any new posts. They'll be delivered quietly to your email box.
I hope you'll join me over at my new place and leave me a note. I've missed you. My latest regular post is Not Ours for Keeps and deals with giving up things we love. You can read it here.
Thanks for stopping by,
Linda Dawn Skelton
From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Ps. 113:3
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