For years I have saved scrap fabric. Once-upon-a-time homemakers sewed clothes for their children and it was actually cost-effective, (besides being cute!) to see all the girls in matching dresses, or the toddler in home-made overalls. Wedding dresses were made by mom and in our case the wedding suit by Jim’s mom. All that by way of saying, I used to sew clothes and what a horde of scraps I had accumulated always intending one day to make a quilt of them… A fledgling effort years ago to piece a complicated square out of random fabric types was near disaster. So then I thought, well, maybe a fabric ‘book’ will do, one that I can hold on my lap while I sit in my granny rocker leafing through it and telling all the stories the colors and textures evoke…
Well, now I’m a ‘granny’ and neither as old nor as frail as the granny I’d envisioned. I do have a rocking chair, but I tend to have a computer on my lap more often than not when I sit here. And in the meantime looking over Rachel’s shoulder at 4-H quilting club I learned the basics of putting together a quilt. So I reverted to the original idea of a quilt, a lap-size one (to go under the computer on my lap on cold days!) and all the pieces came out of the closet and eventually found their way into this quilt I’m now binding. I will spare you the agonizing decision-making process it was to design a quilt worthy of the inclusion of all these ‘antique’ and precious, albeit mismatched, scraps. It’s a regulated version of crazy, but for better or worse, it’s together and lap-ready. Now who’s ready to hear the stories it evokes?
Then there were the first maternity clothes— I wore that burgundy calico top to death!
A new set of summery stripes dressed mom and firstborn son in matching tops. He looked so grown-up in a real shirt…

And growing up in the dress that matched my own (and Teddy’s)…

Christmas was the time for new nighties for the girls…
Flannel of course…pictured here with their room curtains, and the bathroom curtain—always flowers! I remember the day a friend pointed out that I sure seemed to like flowers. Doesn't everyone? I had assumed so until then. This preference definitely shows in my fabric scraps…
And here the ‘granny’ sits remembering all that God has done for her and in her and through her… and letting it stoke the fires of her faith and her future hopes. “His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” (Ps.91:4)
And I consider my calling as a ‘granny’, and a mother-- to pray for these young ones and the nearly grown ones—“let your work be shown to your servants and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Ps.91:16,17)
And what more I will be called to be and do, I do not know, but it will be stitched with God’s mercy and goodness—and bordered all ‘round with flowers of grace!
“The righteous…still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” (Ps.92:14,15)
Well done... :) Cool to see its finished.. I remember being in the Red Barn trying to save the scraps from a big downsizing spree...
): right. I had about abandoned the idea of a quilt then...O me of little faith. Glad for these remains!!
Oh Linda, how precious!
A thing of beauty and warmth made from the "scraps" of life as a woman; now an entirety new entity. So that's what it means to be an older woman! I still have your little sampler hanging in my office to remind me of my beautiful friend.
Life has been precious, and even more so in retrospect...
( : An older woman: 'a thing of beauty and warmth made from the scraps of life...' what a delightful analogy. Thanks DotK!
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