I've gotten rather caught up in Christmas busy-ness this year. All good legitimate, must-get-it-done things--gift-making mostly. But the mental to-do-list has strained my peace of mind and the sense of urgency has stolen some of my quiet reflecting time. This morning I was determined to sit and listen for at least a few minutes to the early morning quiet before the mental clamour set in. I miss the unhurried quiet times with my journal and the Word.
And this is what I saw.
Moses, in the desert, about his business. And he sees a bush burning, and funny thing is, it keeps on burning and doesn't seem to be burning up. So he stops what he's doing, takes a detour and goes to take a closer look.
Do you know what happens next? Of course you do, and I did too. Moses is in for a new job assignment though he doesn't know it yet. But there is a line in there I hadn't noticed before. The ESV reads: "When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush." God was waiting to talk to Moses, waiting to catch his attention. Waiting to share His heart, and commission Moses to a new calling.
Imagine it, God waits for me to turn aside and take note of the wonders at hand, to come into His presence consciously and listen for Him to speak.... What wonders am I missing in my busy-ness this season? We've had an unusually beautiful and lasting snowfall but I've overlooked the awe of it for the most part because 'there just isn't time to be staring out the window, or worse yet going out in the stuff for a walk or a galavant!'
Hmm. Too busy to be filled with wonder?
Well that was a sweet and gentle reminder to me that God, the great I AM (never changing, always the same in character no matter what I may perceive, constant, all that I need...), is ready and waiting to speak if I will 'turn aside' to take note of the wonders along my path.
And in this Season of Wonder, may you find quiet places to pause and listen for His voice too. You'll be glad you did.
And one other item-- I've had a complaint re: this blog. "It never has any pictures." So I am including some glimpses of our Winter Wonderland. This closing one was taken by Jim on our walk to see the newfallen snow.

Very good thoughts Mom Pom
Nice pictures too.
IMO (In My Opinion) you are getting pretty good at the talent of resting. Keep it up! :)
Beautiful Thoughs / Beautiful Photos / Beautiful God
Sorry Linda, I responded twice. I wanted to be sure you received my comment, because I liked the piece so much and want you to write some more!
Don't be sorry. I love comments. You are so kind. I will write again!
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